Thursday 8 March 2018

Improving Dental Practice Productivity

Have you ever wondered how a 2 minute saving in your treatment time affects your practice? A 2 minute saving is at least 10% reduction in the time of a visit. This means that you get one additional patient in production for every 10 patients. This is a 10% increase in revenue with no capital cost and no additional overheads or expenditure. A 10% increase in revenue is thus converted to a minimum of 15% increase in profits.
Most practices strive to make both ends meet and an extra 15% can give them an edge to expand and step out of the vicious cycle of bad cash-flow and stagnant growth they fall into.
Clinical Efficiency: Clinical efficiency is the core metric of any dental practice. Revenues of the practice are directly proportionate to the number of patients met. Given that practices work with specific man hours every month on their labor, it becomes important to manage each patient in the fastest possible time without compromising on clinical efficacy or treatment quality. Even employees feel less over-extended with streamlined operations, even with an increased patient load.

Achieving optimal efficiency for your practice

How can you ensure your practice is currently running at optimal efficiency? The key area to look at is the processes and workflows your organization follows and how easy it is to stick to them.
An integrated cloud based dental practice management software system goes a long way in ensuring productivity and efficiency by:
  • Reducing delays in paperwork and information transfer
  • Enabling faster on-demand access to information
  • Improving patient stickiness and reducing missed appointments
  • Improving scheduling efficiency through better que management and rescheduling capabilities
  • Considerably reducing time for medical records and related paperwork
  • Faster eligibility checks and claims management
  • Better cash flow due to increased revenue and reduced clearing time.
So, the first step is to find a scalable system that can improve on all these areas, while allowing you enough customization so as not to change your current operations drastically.
CareStack offers a cloud-based, easily scalable platform that enables you to expand your system to any scale without need for any specific hardware. CareStack has been made based on the needs of practices with varying needs and offers easy adaptability to most operating models in the industry.

Features to look for in your Practice management system:

Front office management
  • Efficient scheduling
  • Rescheduling Queues
  • Waiting lists
  • Patient communications
Clinical management
  • Charting and integrated treatment planner
  • Template driven care notes
  • Advanced perio charting
  • Imaging integration
  • e-Prescription
Patient engagement  
  • EHR integration
  • Patient portals


Clinical efficiency can be improved by integrating clinical management seamlessly with other practice management functions and is best executed with the support of an integrated scalable and adaptable dental practice management system.